Hello and good morning! This week was beautiful. Many times I have been
able to witness the hand of the Lord in this His great work. This past
week Elder Smith and I had a touching and powerful experience. We drove
to an apt. about 8 miles out who was not home. Elder Smith felt we should
walk so we began to walk. Not even 500 feet out, we saw a lady mowing
her lawn. We figured she must have been struggling as this lawn was full
of big weeds and grass 1-3 feet tall as if it had not been mowed all
year. We walked up and offered to help as the mower died on her. She
came to us and asked, "What for?" We related to her that we are
missionaries from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Her
countenance changed. She began to shake and tears began to roll down her
face. She said to us, "I have been crying and praying for help. I have
been so sick and I need a break." Her mother came over and asked what
happened and we told her we were there to serve. They gladly allowed us
to mow the lawn/field. We mowed, what my guess would be, 1-2 acres of 1-3 ft
tall grass and weeds. It took us a good 1 1/2 hours. We were
grateful for the opportunity to be put on what President Thomas S.
Monson would call, "The Lords Errand." I know that our Heavenly Father
watches us and is aware of our wants and our needs.
I hope you all look and pray for opportunities to serve others. They are the greatest opportunities.
We began teaching 3 new people this
week. All of whom have great potential and light ahead of them as they
follow the gospel.
Our sacrament meeting talks were excellent yesterday. I thoroughly
enjoyed both of them. The first lady who spoke is a convert of about
three years, with her husband, who is already in the branch presidency at 3
years. She compared the game of Monopoly to our life on earth. How in Monopoly we can acquire the greatest wealth, or be completely broke, but
as soon as the game ends it all goes back in the box. She compared this
to how in life we can acquire great worldly possessions or be completely
broke but as soon as this life ends it all disappears and has no
meaning. She focused on how we must spend time and effort on things of eternal worth. It was powerful the way she presented it.
The second
talk was on love and a part touched me. This lady taught us
that Love in Hebrew means "I give". When we love the Lord or others we
are giving of ourselves something. This made the word love to me much
more deep and meaningful.
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