Monday, November 14, 2016

This week we had Zone Conference which I love so much! It was inspiring, motivating and changed my mission. In a talk I read one time the speaker speaks of going into general conference or sacrament or other meetings with a jug waiting to be filled. In other words, go in with many questions and desires of the heart, then search for the answers and give thanks afterwords. Well, I went in with an empty jug waiting for it to fill and it did just that. I was starting to feel the past week that though I still loved the work that fire wasn't there as strongly as I often feel it. It had dimmed a little bit. I thought it was because I was not being authentic but that was not quite all of the reason why. Though it is a big part of the problem. As Elder Westover and I were speaking that evening it was revealed to me that the reason my fire was dimming is I was not having any experiences with the Atonement and repentance that week. It goes back to that phrase on like page 2 or so, as your understanding of the Atonement increases so will your desire to preach the gospel. I testify of that and this week I have been working hard to be more authentic in all I do. Apply the gospel and repent constantly at every opportunity I recognize. I feel Joyful and my fire is back on!  So I invite you all, if you are not feeling a bright Joy in the gospel at this time, figure out what is holding you back from experiencing the atonement regularly and repent and work towards a better you.
Love you all!
Oh! Also, thank you all so much for the many happy birthday wishes and cards! They are much appreciated. I had an amazing 20th.

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